Monday, May 6th, 2024

Wise Power Systems Installs 5 Megawatt Solar Micro Grid, Annobon Island, EG

Solar Micro Grid Panels Annobon EG

Wise Power Systems has installed one of the world’s largest 100% solar micro grids on Annobon Island, Equatorial Guinea. The systems is made up of 20,000 solar panels capable of producing up to 5 Megawatts of power, and the system has up to 10 Megawatts of power storage. The island, located 100 miles off the west coast of Africa, previously only had diesel generators that would only produce power for a few hours each day. Now, thanks to Wise Power Systems, the people of Annobon Island have access to electricity 24 hours a day.

Solar Micro Grid Installation Annobon EG

This new access to reliable power now gives the island and its residents the ability to do things that previously were impossible. This includes keeping their streets lit at night, powering their homes, and even powering freezers to preserve and store fish caught in the surrounding fishing grounds.

In addition to the Micro Grid, Wise Power Systems also replaced 10,000 light bulbs in the main city of San Antonio de Palé with our own patented low-usage LED Lights. Each of these lights is capable of lasting for over 80,000 hours of use, and output an industry-leading 180 lumens per Watt. Upgrading these lights means that there is now less strain on the grid, leaving more room for future expansion. The island’s government has already begun construction on a new hospital, a new school, and even a new stadium.

Solar Micro Grid Learning Annobon Island

The Wise Power Systems Micro Grid provides a host of new opportunities. Now, the people of the island can experience and learn about solar power first-hand, and work to improve and spread the technology throughout the globe.

As a result of our efforts, Wise Power Systems was honored with the Award for Excellence in International Trade by the World Trade Center Delaware.

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